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IT Consulting
& Services

At VillaTech Consulting, we provide Computer Technology Services for you and your business. VillaTech Consulting can assist with PC problems, with the setup of a small or home office and with expansion of your office Internet, Intranet and voice communications services.

Our Services

Our Servuces
Cloud Solutions

Allow us to help you access and store your information securely over the Internet. 

Managed IT Services

We provide a personal approach in remotely managing your IT infrastructure and end-user systems.

Disaster Recovery

Your organization's IT infrastructure is vital.  We can provide a seamless approach to ensuring you can effectively recover to ensure 

business continuity.

Cloud Desktop

Let us provide a virtual desktop solution that will allow you to store and access your operating system over the internet remotely. 

Network Solutions

We are here to help you manage and grow your business with our specialized services. 

Support Consulting

IT Support Consultant are avaliable to engineer and design modern approaches to suit your business needs.


“Ernesto is an outstanding professional. He is serious about delivering on his commitments: he takes ownership of anything he signs up for.

Doss Struse



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