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As an IT company we are here to help you manage and grow your business. Specialized services offered


  • Personalized  Help Desk Technicians

  • Systems and Server upgrades

  • Network Technology

  • Email Deployment

  • Security Services

  • Network Monitoring Systems

  • Business Continuity Planning

  • Data Center Design

  • Storage Design and Implementation

  • License Administration

  • Cost Reduction Services

  • Domain Names

  • ​

  • Infrastructure Setup

  • Computer Setup – Setup computer components, peripherals and connectivity

  • Software Setup – Installation of software and updates

  • Device Setup – Installation of printers, Internet Routers, Wireless Devices, Range Extenders, as other devices.

  • Windows Operating System Installation and Upgrades

  • Virus and Spyware Removal –Diagnostic and Repair

  • Networking – Installation and configuration of wireless devices, ISP Troubleshooting, File Sharing Services and Remote and Site-to-Site VPN Services

  • Data Backup – File Backup, Storage Backup or Online Backup configuration

  • Hardware Upgrades – Installation of memory, hard disks, and other devices

  • Software Upgrade - Application and Operating System upgrades

  • Email Setup

  • Technical Training


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